Monday, 26 July 2021


What do you think is the most important investment you have made? It is the home which the majority of Americans consider their largest investment. So, any improvements to a home must add value. It will pay off over time when you decide to sell your home. Hardwood flooring is an excellent way to boost your home's value. How can we verify this? The National Wood Floor Association, which North London Floor Sanding This is a group I am a member of. It recently conducted a poll on real estate agents across the country. It's worth a look!

99 percent of people believe that hardwood Flooring is Easier To Sell

If asked if houses with hardwood flooring are easier to sell, 99% of those surveyed answered yes. What is the reason for this? According to NWFA, this is because the buyer of today has higher expectations. Flooring made of hardwood is more popular than it was in the past in the past, when it was expensive and was considered to be a luxury product.

82% of Agreed Homes that have Hardwood Flooring sell faster than homes that do not have hardwood flooring.

When a particular component of a house, such as hardwood flooring, helps to sell the home faster, then it adds value to the home overall. 82 percent of real estate agents agree that hardwood flooring helps to sell a home faster than those without. In addition that homes that sell more quickly yield more profit for their sellers.

90 percent of homes with hardwood Flooring are sold for more money

90% of real estate agents believe that homes with hardwood floors sell faster and for more money. 88 percent of these agents believe that hardwood flooring can enhance the value of a home by 1% to 10 percent. NWFA utilized an example of a $242,300 home to illustrate this. If a homeowner spent $10,000 on hardwood flooring with an increase of 10% this home could potentially sell for $266,530.

Are you ready to increase the value of your home? North London Floor Sanding offers a no cost estimates in your home.

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